San Diego County Ag in the Classroom (SDAITC), a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, was launched in 1996 by agriculturalists wanting to advance ag literacy for students in San Diego County. Ag in the Classroom is all about the kids, their education, and the future of agriculture. The sooner we expose our children’s natural curiosity to the wonder of soils, plants, water, and animals, the better chance we have to develop good stewards of the land who will respect the work of the farm. SDAITC does just that, by providing teachers with the tools they need to inspire our youth to appreciate agriculture and be part of a new farming generation. Over the past decade, SDAITC and its partners have been responsible for introducing a variety of comprehensive programs throughout the county.
School Garden Education Program funds are awarded to local schools to support school gardens and projects that enhance the teaching of agriculture.
2023-24 Garden Education Program Application are now CLOSED.
For questions, contact sdcfb@sdfarmbureau.org or call the Farm Bureau office at (760) 745-3023.
San Diego Farm Bureau Scholarship program helps to encourage local students to pursue careers in agriculture and assists them with their education.
Since 1999, 366 students pursuing degrees in agriculture and related fields have been awarded over $463,675 from the San Diego County Farm Bureau Scholarship Program
Car Donate Program benefits San Diego County Ag in the Classroom by receiving cash donations from donated cards to fund new and existing programs.
Interested in donating your vehicle to an organization you believe in? It’s easy to make a contribution that supports San Diego County Ag in the Classroom!
Here’s how it works:
Just call Toll-Free 1-877-99-AG-CAR, to speak to a AITC Vehicle Donation Representative, fill out our online car donation form, or e-mail at your convenience donations@charitableautoresources.com Our Representative will schedule a pickup that’s convenient for you, and provide you with confirmation of your donation.
If the gross proceeds from the sale of your donated vehicle are $500 or more and if you provide your social security number to our Representative at the time of your donation, you will also receive an IRS tax form 1098C stating the sale price of the vehicle. This amount is what you actually claim on the itemized tax return.
According to the tax law effective January 1, 2005, if the claimed value of the donated vehicle exceeds $500, the taxpayer is limited to the gross proceeds of the sale.