Farm Bureau Representing You
One of Farm Bureau’s most important functions is to monitor and influence legislation and regulatory actions that affect farmers at the local, state, and national levels. Volunteers and professional staff of the San Diego County Farm Bureau are consistently engaged in a number of local issues.
The California Farm Bureau Federation (CFBF) is active in Sacramento and the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF)—keeps an eye on Washington, D.C. For example, locally Farm Bureau has been on the forefront of water policy issues and pest exclusion. At the state level CFBF has fought new fees and worked for solutions to the state’s water problems while AFBF has worked on the Farm Bill and immigration issues.
Quick Action on Pending Legislation
San Diego County Farm Bureau Legislative Platform
To make certain the Farm Bureau can take quick action to communicate with legislators on pending bills, a platform has been adopted by the Board of Directors that gives the organization authority to act without further action by the board. Letters can be written or calls made to support legislation actions that serve the following statements or oppose legislation that works contrary to these positions:
- Provides for development of farmworker housing
- Eases regulatory compliance
- Guarantees secure water supplies at reasonable increase in costs
- Protects against the risk of and damage from exotic pest introductions
- Gives farmers easier access to markets
- Reduces cost of doing business
- Protects farmers from unfair trade practices
- Provides for customer choice access to energy resources
- Promotes efforts to market locally grown agricultural products
- Provides for reasonable compliance with state and federal clean water regulations
- Facilitates the continued existence of a reliable workforce
- Works toward the delivery of disaster assistance to farmers